Wednesday, October 26, 2005

jeff, this one's for you

In the past few years, I've gone a mini-crusade against transfat, much to the chagrin of Jeff. This means that in some instances I will go to exorbitant measures to expunge the feared substance from my diet - I cannot even tell you how many different types of bread I tried before I found the right balance of whole grain, caloric content, and lack of transfat. But Jeff was there and even participated (read: was tortured into submission), so if you're curious, just ask him.

For those of you that don't know, transfat, briefly, is fat that is produced when hydrogen is added to oil; it appears on ingredient lists as partially hydrogenated oil or hydrogenated oil. It's extra bad because it increases bad cholesterol while decreasing good cholesterol. I'm not sure if the science and the vocab are right, but that's the gist of it. Anyway, until today I was under the illusion the stuff was entirely manmade, but it turns out that isn't true - it's found in meat and milk - but it's still a staple of many, many, many of our processed foods. What am I getting at?

Well, thank you people over at Kraft (or Nabisco, I can't remember which). It seems that at the end of the year we will have an Oreo cookie without transfat!! This is a huge victory for my kind (OCD transfat haters) because in a recent conversation with my roommate we discussed that the entire yummy filling of an Oreo is probably all transfat. God only knows what they have concocted to take its place - I'm sure it will be all natural and entirely healthy - but I'm super excited about it. I look forward to the day where I can buy a package of the regular and a package of the new transfat-free version and do a taste comparison.

*Note: For those interested, the Time article from which I got this information kind of inferred that the new "golden" Oreos are free of transfat. They ain't the real thing, but they're something.

I will now go to bed because I have to be somewhere at 6:30am, meaning I have to arise somewhere in the 5 o'clock hour. It will be a miracle if I wake up. Details about where I've been to come soon - hopefully tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, I highly reccommend NOT doing the direct taste comparison. I don't think you will need the reminder of how good the original is compared to the new sans trans. I'd heard they'd had a lot of struggles with it because the transfat is what holds it together and gives it the consistency (not to mention taste). I thought they were trying to come out with a whole line of products without the transfat, but again, were really struggling.