Monday, October 24, 2005

navy bean soup

so i was cleverly composing a blog in my head about "what i did this weekend" with witty commentary about what we used to say in high school french class (je suis allee au match de football or cinema or bibliotheque. the key was never to veer from "i went to" or else you risked not knowing the correct verb conjugation. but i digress.) ultimately, though, that idea never panned out - perhaps because it was stupid, perhaps because other thoughts took over my brain, perhaps both. i invite you all back in time with me to approximately 10am on Monday, October 24.

10:00 - ready to go out the door. backpack? check. gym bag? check. water bottle? check. breakfast? NO! no breakfast - grab the banana fast before it goes rotten (and open from the bottom)! lunch? not check, but don't have anything for lunch and plan to eat at school. no worries, let's get this hour-late show on the road...

10:45am - ok. all set up. get to work! but first...did anyone email me in the last 10 minutes that i spent reading imdb? no. ok. evidence here we come!! that breakfast kind of sucked, can't wait for lunch.

11:55am - a solid hour's worth of work, for the most part. now go to meeting for 1/2 hour and then bless-ed lunch along with further evidence reading. law school is fun!

12:25pm - meeting over, why did it last even this long? will now go get wallet and buy yummy vegetarian chili...wait a sec. wallet. wallet. fuck. fuck fuck fuck. no wallet! wallet in purse. used purse over the weekend not backpack. wallet not in its own little zipper comparment per usual. oh my god, what will i eat? if i don't eat will pass out. am beginning to feel dizzy already. oh shit. am so stupid. today sucks.

12:27pm - Ring. Ring. Ring. pleasepickup, pleasepickup, pleasepleasePLEASEpickup. "Resource center." "Jeff?" "yeah?" and so the conversation proceeds to "i've got class at 1:30, i'm not sure if i'll be back in time..." and we agree to meet at a central location where jeff will kindly buy my starving stomach a nice yummy delicious burrito. mmm. maybe wallet-leaving-behind was not a bad idea after all. however, is huge pain in the ass to walk half a mile to the damn parking lot and my brain will probably go on vacation at getting out of school so early. do not focus on that. focus on the yummy burrito jeff will have waiting for me when i get there.

12:35pm - turning into parking lot of burrito place. do not see jeff's car. will not panic. will not panic. he will be here soon. probably he just go held up a second, although this place is literally a minute from his work...

12:36pm - where's jeff? damn him. i told him time was of the essence.
12:37pm - dude, jeff, hell-o! i have class at 1:30!!!!!!
12:38 - so. hungry.
12:39 - hello professor dudley. please excuse the maniacal glint in my eyes, am slowing dying of starvation and boyfriend does not care.
12:40 - jeff? did you forget about me?
12:45 - am leaving. am SO. PISSED. will feel v. guilty about pissy-ness if jeff in terrible 12-car pile-up a mile away.
12:46 - better just call him, make sure it's ok. what's this? he called? and left a text? fuuuUcCCK! will soon pass out from low blood sugar. jeff has a flat tire and cannot meet me. oh hunger pains, please leave me alone. cannot complain, jeff is still night in shining armor - said he would lend me money to buy food if i come to his work. is really close to burrito place and have no other option. thankyou thankyou thankyou.

12:49pm - pull up to see poor jeff changing tire all by himself. feel at once envious (how come i can't do that? i mean, i know how in theory, but one time ashley and i tried, but thank god for the man in the blue truck that stopped to help) and also sympathetic - he's probably hungry too and poor thing has to change a tire, exhert physical energy and all. but wait. CLASS! have class soon. must hurry back before prof. cushman discusses holographic wills or i'll die hungry and intestate.

1:03pm - turning into parking lot for which i paid $200 to park special - because i am a privileged and holier-than-thou 2L. are you kidding? no spot? NO spot?! how can this happen? this has never happened before. shit. shit. shit. if i have to go to the lower, 1L lot it'll take forever to walk to school. by the time i get there no time to eat before class. oh please, please parking space magically appear! where is harry potter when you need him?

1:14pm - huff, puff, breathe slowly in and out. the hike from down below was tough, but have made it in time to scarf down some yummy food. have never been so excited for veggie chili in my life.

1:15pm - i should learn not to get my hopes up, especially on a day like today. the only vegetarian soup today is navy bean soup. navy bean soup is incredibly boring - navy beans and carrots. that's it. is a color similar to well...i don't really want to say but it begins with c and ends with um. have no choice. sandwich bar closed. (in hindsight i should've bought the pita chips and hummus and some fruit and been done with it, but hindsight is 20/20.) oh well, navy bean soup may be on my top 5 list of least favorite cafeteria options, but at least it ain't tomato bisque or mushroom and barley (which, incidentially, has an odor similar to that of, well, honestly - vagina).

1:16pm - safely in classroom, 15 mins is not too bad for eating lunch. Oh GROSS. where can i get some mushroom and barley soup or tomato bisque? this tastes even worse than it looks. it tastes like someone took some chicken broth and poured sugar in it. incredibly disgusting. will. never. buy. this. again. just crumble the crackers in it niki, crumble the crackers.

1:27pm - cannot finish this slop. will puke. would rather die intestate and of hunger. sigh, at least got enough calories to get through trusts and estates.

Addendum: 6:27pm - pulling into Kroger for groceries - can't wait to eat dinner, pack my lunch for tomorrow to avoid another lunchtime fiasco. oh. wait. FUCK. do not have wallet. stupid, stupid, stupid. go home. will starve.

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