Friday, October 14, 2005

progress report

the vast majority of my energy today has been spent obsessively checking my email. i tried to study. i really, really did. i tried to work on my research project that is due next friday. i just. can't. do. it.

for all intents and purposes, today is the beginning of fall break. no classes on monday, tuesday, or wednesday. with all that time ahead of me to do work, it's impossible not to concentrate on getting down to the having fun part of break. thank goodness jeff has to work until 5:30 and many of my friends have already headed out of town or the infintesimal amount of work i did accomplish would never have happened.

but i'm done. my research is confusing me and i'm tired of the computer screen. almost no one is at school, so why do i have to be? and really, if my head isn't in it, it's not in it - no reason to force it.

i'm off to the gym for the last drudgery of my day and then hopefully to mexican food and poker. word on the street is that tomorrow i may even get to see the inside of a movie theatre. keep your fingers crossed!

happy weekend!!

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