it's been four days now without any inspiration whatsoever. i'm not sure if it's just general apathy on my part or specific blog-related writer's block. in any event, i can't seem to accomplish anything in any area of my life related to the brain - such as schoolwork or planning for the future - so why should blogging be any different? i think this can be chalked up to a combination of several things: a) exhaustion, b) anxiety-induced paralysis about upcoming exams, c) overindulgence in drink and d) the imminent onset of sickness for the THIRD time in as many months.
as a result of all of the above i'm limited in my brain capacity to reading for 10 minute intervals, watching tv and movies, listening to the radio, checking my email, and obsessing about celebrity gossip. if only my exams would ask one question about nick and jessica or the plot holes in prison break - that i could ace. hearsay, trusts, and privilege - i'm totally fucked. and the thing is, i don't even care.
that's not totally true. if i didn't care that'd be great - let the good times roll! but there's that persistent little morsel that won't go away no matter how much i try to suppress it and rears its ugly head just enough to cause mild panic followed by the coping mechanism of denial. thank you neuroses, please go away, the gilmore girls is coming on soon.
so, the bad news is that brain activity is limited - meaning no productivity for school and no creativity (read: humor) for blog. the good news is that i watched two movies this weekend, oh lazy bliss. (if i may interject for one moment - i'm eating lunch while typing this entry and these carrots are pretty good. i'd almost given up on carrots, forcing them down because they are good for me, but these suckers actually provide a bit of enjoyment.) where was i? oh yeah, see The Motorcycle Diaries because not only is gael garcia bernal hot but the movie is well-done and piques your interest about che guevera.
and the better news is that the upcoming weekend promises more of the same because two long-awaited events are now upon me - bright eyes concert (my first!!) and a new harry potter movie. thank you entertainment gods for ensuring a full supply of distraction and procrastination at a time it is so greatly needed.
keep your fingers crossed for an end to lack of brainwaves soon - this will not only help yours truly pass her second year of law school but may also benefit your reading pleasure.
as the person most likely to make someone cry while playing monopoly in french class, i'm quite certain your competitive spirit lives on in law school. try not to punch anyone who does better than you on the exam.
i can't believe you would even suggest that someone would do better than me on the exam! ;)
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