Sunday, December 11, 2005


1) THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to our Donors Choose project (see Friday's post) - we have funded it 65% with only $185 to go!

2) i have spent my entire weekend studying - bleh. except for last night before i went to bed i watched a bit of snl while i talked to jeff. did anyone see this nonsense? a) what the hell is shakira up to? she used to be able to dance and sing along to a catchy tune. apparently she now thinks that if she does funky things and looks cute that nothing else matters - she's got a good basis for that considering america's past pop idols but at least their stuff was catchy and they did actual dances rather than words you can't understand and bizarro movements that look like something between the robot and the macarena. b) there was a skit about a man married to a hot dog. i think it's clear that snl needs to either call it a day or move to a half-hour format with only the weekend update and a monologue (with a real comedian).

3) my bowl of cream of asparagus soup is done and i will now resume studying. my first exam is tomorrow - hurray!! but not. keep your fingers crossed that i make it on time - 8:30 is half hour earlier than my brain is used to.


Anonymous said...

re: Asparagus soup: did you sing the asparagus song you used to sing around our apartment anytime you cooked with said vegetable??

(Sorry for late post; now in my new job and back in the world of the working. Sucks.)

Niki said...

actually, no, i didn't sing the "asaparagus" song. it was canned soup and the asparagus was really interchangable with about any green vegetable. the "asparagus" song is only for special occasions, like cooking with real asparagi. have you thought of a second lyric yet?
so far i've got, "asparagus, asparagus, so long, and lean and green." repeat. to the tune of "america."