Tuesday, January 24, 2006

best morning ever

sometimes when i need to force myself to be optimistic i say to myself, "ok, niki, what was the best part of your day?" occasionally this makes me realize there were numerous good things that happened, thus life really isn't shit after all, but sometimes i'm forced into thinking - that the day is over. (notice i didn't say that i survived the day because sometimes there are those days when dying might actually be appropriate and the best part. or maybe i'm clinically depressed...but i digress.)

anywho, this morning the best part happened and i didn't even need to see the rest of the day to know that it was all downhill after that.

those of you that know me know that i'm not a big laundry-doer and even when i get around to doing laundry, actually folding the clothes is nothing short of a miracle. this leads to mornings full of digging for that shirt that is lost, much like an archealogical site, and mucho wasting of time.

well, today the gods were smiling on me because when it came time to put on my socks and the only clean socks were in the laundry basket of 3 loads of clean laundry - I GOT A MATCH ON THE FIRST TRY! ordinarily i play go fish with the socks for at least 5 minutes, but not this time. i do not have the words to convey the felicitous feeling of an immediate match, but if you've ever had to swim around in a basket full of 20 different types of black socks, you will understand this victory.

ok, now i REALLY have to go do my reading, as i promised i would do about an hour and a half ago.


Parm said...

i just stopped trying to match them up. throw 'em all into the sock box and have at it.

Ben said...

just buy em all one colour, HEY PRESTO, they all match!!

Nice to see the use of anywho...