Sunday, July 23, 2006

"Who's comin' with me?"

Jeff and I talk a lot about movies. If not for movies, we'd be stuck with just food and politics, which would probably get pretty boring because our conversations would consist of: "What'd you have for lunch today/what do you want for dinner" and "AAahh! Why are Republicans so stupid?!" (Before I get hate mail: this doesn't include any Republicans who may read my blog, just the nimrods who run the country pretending to do the will of the Lord but meanwhile killing soldiers and padding their own pocketbooks.)

Recently we were discussing most often quoted movies, as in how frequently people throw them into conversations. I'd have to say there's quite a gender divide here, although we did agree on The Princess Bride, because Jeff was busting out with The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, and the like, and I'm all, Dirty Dancing, Clueless, and Top Gun. Ok, so maybe Top Gun is just particular to me and not necessarily girls across the nation, but you get my point.

Last night, seemingly out of nowhere, I responded to something Jeff said with, "that's how much fuck fish." Then we both burst into giggles and agreed this was one of our favorite movie quotes of all time. Although we were supposed to be going to sleep early to get up and get me finished packing this morning, instead we stayed up brainstorming our favorite quotes.

It's sort of early for me, and I'm still nursing a hangover from yesterday, but I'm going to do my best to remember some of mine. Without further ado, in no particular order:

* "That's how much fuck fish" - Chris Cooper in Adaptation. If you haven't seen the movie, this is probably lost on you. The essence of it is that the character hates fish due to a bad experience, and now he hates fish so much he won't even eat them. The way Chris Cooper says it is classic.

* Vivian: Don't cha wannna get out of here?
Kit: Get out of where? Where the fuck you wanna go?
- Pretty Woman

*Also from Pretty Woman
Kit: [quietly, closing eyes] A name....the pressure...of a name. [long pause while she sits there, then loudly] Cinder-fuckin-rella!

* "All I want to do is go to Europe, marry Christian Slater, and die." Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the movie, not the tv show)

That's all I've got right now. Head is screaming out for ibuprofen. There are too many to name from favorites Clueless, Top Gun, A Few Good Men, Bridget Jones and Jerry Maguire. If I think of any more, I'll let you know. (And yes, it's not lost on me that many, many of my favorite quotes involve the word "fuck." I think we all know this is probably my favorite word, so it really should be no surprise, should it?)

Please feel free to grace us with your fave movie quotes in the Comments.


Anonymous said...

To go along with the fish theme -- Baby fish mouth (When Harry Met Sally)

Anonymous said...

How about "Lelaina, would you like to spot us money for some pizza?" or "Penny! Shit! Wilona adopts Penny!" from Reality Bites. How many times did we watch that in high school? Approximatley 1,200?

Or "I will not be destroyed by a bad man and an American stick insect. I choose vodka. And Chaka Kahn." from Bridget Jones Diary.

John Hughes movies are full of them. "Does Barry Manilow know you raid his closet every morning?" John Bender in the Breakfast Club. And "I can't believe my grandma just felt me up." Molly Ringwald in Sixteen Candles.

And because it is one of my favorite movies, I have to throw in from Clue
Professor Plum: "What are you afraid of, a fate worse than death?"
Mrs. Peacock: "No, just death. Isn't that enough?"
And Wadsworth: "We'll stack the bodies neatly in the cellar, leave quietly one at a time, and pretend that none of this has ever happened."

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. While I often quote "When Harry Met Sally," both "Anne of Green Gables" movies, and "Little Women," my most often-quoted movie is definitely "Bridget Jones's Diary." My very favorite is, "Where the fuck is the fucking tuna?" I find myself using that a lot. If, for example, I lose my keys, I say, "Where the fuck are my fucking keys?" Once I got addicted to watching both Bridget Jones movies, I started using the word fuck a LOT more. Those movies make fuck the most fun word on the planet.

Andria said...

Well, speaking of Christian Slater and fuck, I always loved "well, fuck me, they cleared it!" from Robin Hood when they are catapulting over the wall. I'm sure I'll have more to add later when I have a chance to actually think, but wanted to contribute that for now.

Parm said...

I'll tell you a story. I once fell
deeply, profoundly in love with tropical
fish. I had sixty goddamn fish tanks in
my house. I'd skin-dive to find just the
right ones. Anisotremus virginicus,
Holacanthus ciliaris, Chaetodon
capistratus. You name it. Then one day
I say, fuck fish. I renounce fish.
I vow to never set foot in the ocean
again, that's how much fuck fish. That
was seventeen years ago and I have never
since stuck so much as a toe into that
ocean. And I love the ocean!

Andria said...

Good story, Jeff. I need to see that movie. It's on my list.

I wanted to add one more on the fuck theme
"nothing's fucked here, dude" -- The Big Lebowski

Ben said...

"oh alright", by Henry Hill as his wife Janet goes down on him after he gives her spending money...

Ben said...

"carla WAS the prom queen". said through gritted teeth by stanley goodspeed in The Rock in reply to Sean Connery's (i forget his character's name) taunt that "your BEST?? Loser's always go on about doing their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen".