Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Day in News

Some days are filled with delicious scandals or shocking revelations in the news. Most days are pretty blah. Then, every once in awhile, you get a day with just ridiculous and random news stories. Today was one of those days, and I'd just like to recap for you:

* You heard about the crazy astronaut who drove across the country 900 miles to pepper spray and kidnap her "love rival" right? You know, the one who loved the same shuttle captain as the other lady. The one who wore diapers to "cut down" on the rest stops. I love her mug shot.

* Um, why the hell is a wallaby in Los Angeles? I swear, no matter how much I wanted to bring one back, it wasn't me. Warning: the video is a bit traumatic. The poor little guy.

* Raise your hand if you think Prince intended his guitar to look like a phallic symbol at the Super Bowl. Yep, me too. Raise your hand if you're surprised. Nope, me neither. People are so lame, can't they take a joke? Relatedly, the article discusses "Darling Nikki," the Prince song which prompted Tipper Gore to put a warning label for explicit lyrics on his Purple Rain album. This song is my theme song, and it's SO much better than my old theme song "Hey [Niki] You're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, Hey [Niki], Hey [Niki]". . . but upon reflection, the two do have similar themes.

* Cutest archaeological find EVER.


Anonymous said...

This morning I heard that the man and woman were both found with arrows in them, and there is archeological speculation that the man was killed first and then the woman was sacrificed so that he could have a woman to join him in the afterlife. Not that I have ANY idea if this is true, but I liked it better when I thought it was just a man and a woman hugging each other as they died some tragic, romantic death. (On second thought, I think I'm just going to pretend that I didn't hear the news this morning.)

Andria said...

And just in time for Valentine's Day. . hmm, coincidence? It is very cute, though. And we'll definitely cling to the more romantic notions of symbolic love and eternal devotion. . .

Niki said...

probably what you heard is reality, which sucks, but i do wonder, if i were sacrificed for some dude to have me in the afterlife, would i want to die hugging him? not so much. which leads me to further speculate whether they died that way or were placed that way...so intriguing. i should've been an archaeologist. then i could be playing in the dirt right now, not freezing my ass off in 18 degree temperatures.