Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Fingers crossed...

...but hope beginning to fade.

It's sort of past my bedtime. I'm waiting for the polls and reporting on votes in California (and for my hair to air dry).

I'm getting really sick of hearing that Hillary is projected the winner. I think I might hate Hillary and not even vote for her if she gets the nomination just because I love, love, love Obama so much that it'd be like cheering for the team that beat your team in the semis to win the championship, and I just don't do that.

Just once, I'd like to really feel good about a presidential candidate, and for whatever reason, Hillary makes me want to throw up. I should be proud, right? I should be excited. I suppose if it really does look like reality, I'll probably get teary-eyed at witnessing the first female president. Ok, I know will. But right now. . .right now it feels like she's going to surpass my Obama, the only real candidate I've ever really, really loved. . . it's hate. I just. HATE.

Help a sister out California, please. All you Hollywood types and hippies and surfers can get behind a dude named Barack, no?


Red said...

Whatevs--Go Hillary! I'm backin' my girl!

tempe & chris said...

Hey, look at that - we have something in common politically!! :)

Ruby said...

I second Tempe's motion! :)