Thursday, March 06, 2008

Thank goodness I don't have a child...

because right now my dog is driving me so insane it has crossed my mind more than once to beat the little bastard.

Of course you all know I would never do a thing like that...but I may have yelled some obscenities at him as he jumped onto the counter for the 8,867th time tonight. Last night he was on the same rampage. I now know why a lot of dogs in animal shelters are puppies between 6 and 8 months - they are no longer cute little buttons; they have morphed into terrorizing shits that chew and jump and run around like crazies with no "off" switch.

I love him to bits, but it's almost 11:15 at night - shouldn't he be calmed down by now??!!

Sigh. At least he's not barking his brains out, that's one thing I'll give him credit for not doing. (Knock on wood...)

1 comment:

Ruby said...

OMG, the first sentence makes me laugh and laugh!

I have thought that many a time about our dogs... and maybe a child too... maybe... :)