Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday Night Snippets

* Fresh-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies, from scratch.  My co-workers love me on their birthdays.

* Tomorrow is a BIG day for me - helping the Boss on a murder trial.  At some point next week I'll get to examine some witnesses.  I will quit my job forever if one of them screams at me, "You can't handle the truth!" because my career can't get any better than that. 

* Caffeine from cookies = cannot sleep = lying awake fretting about tomorrow = damn.

* Masala is desperate for attention, coming up, slipping his little nose under my arm as I try to type; it's as if he's demanding to be pet.  And he will. not. stop. Holy hell. Super cute, though. 

* Must move away from here soon. Places I've contemplated going:  Every semi-major metropolitan area in North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, California, Washington, D.C., and even Virginia.  Bah humbug.

* Today I wore one of my favorite shirts: Vegetarians taste better.

* So many things I want right now - new shoes (can.not.make.decision.), new suits, new yoga mat, new life, vacation, a yard, clean underwear. . .where to begin?  Will my list ever get smaller or will I tack on new things to replace the ones I've acquired? Probably. : )

* I love college football. It feels so good to be back in the game after my 3-4 yr hiatus.  LSU v. Florida was fantastic last night, and the Texas v. Oklahoma game was full of excitement.  This season seems to have so many good teams, all battling it out for number 1. Wish I had planned ahead to make the trek to GA/FL this year; it's gonna be good, ya'll.

* I've started reading The Subtle Knife, and I really like it, but I can't seem to find time to concentrate on it.  

* New Gossip Girl tomorrow. Why is that show so awesome?

* I'm nervous about the election. With every fiber of my being I want Obama to win. Polls indicate positive signs for the Obama camp, but this article in the New York Times has me fretful.  Is it true? Or is the media just trying to creat drama? 

* Lately I've been doing the USA Today crossword online.  They have a feature that will tell you immediately if your letters are wrong, so up until tonight I've completed every one successfully.  Now, I'm too stuck to even do trial and error on the remaining blanks.  I used to rock the socks out of some crossword puzzles.  Now, I sort of suck.  Am I stupider? Or just out of practice?

1 comment:

Ruby said...

Oooh, a murder trial! This is all you, Nikkers. ALL YOU!