Monday, November 24, 2008

Nothin' Doin'

I'm over this blog everyday for a month bullshit. Frankly, I just don't have anything that exciting to say.  Even more than that, my stupid idea for a "sport" theme was just stupid.  Can't do it. I don't care about any sports enough to write about them every damn day.

Yes, can you tell? I'm full of piss and vinegar today. I've been going back and forth between getting sick and not getting sick, to the point where I just left work today around 2:45pm, came home, got completely undressed, and laid in bed until 4:30 in my underwear. Mostly I was sleeping, but partly I was just being warm. Because it's cold out there. I'm also over that. Cold weather, PLEASE. LEAVE.

Other things I'm over:

* Clients yelling at me because "I'm hard to get ahold of" WHEN THEIR FUCKING PHONE NUMBERS DO NOT WORK and our office assitants and I tried no less than 10 times to call last week.

* The messiest house you have ever seen. If kids lived here, I'm quite certain DSS would remove them.

* Christmas music. I know, totally Scrooge McDuck, but I can count on one hand the number of decent Christmas songs and the rest of them make me want to live in a padded room beating my head against the wall.

* My pilates instructor telling us to make "perfect circles" with our toes. Lady, if you haven't noticed, I'm up to my ears trying to be perfect in every other area of my life, please just let my damn toe circles be a little unperfect, you perky bitch.

* Myself. I really need to get a grip and get into the holiday spirit. Really, my life is not that bad, so I need to stop pretending that the world hates me.

1 comment:

ashley said...

Hey, it happens to us all. Sometimes you just gotta get your piss and vinegar out there. Love you!