Sunday, November 08, 2009

V Addict

It's Sunday afternoon around 1:45pm.  I am still wearing my glasses, the fugliest (and most comfy) sweatshirt of all time, and my favorite pink sweatpants. Masala has still not been taken for a walk despite the afternoon hour, which has never happened in his 2 year life. 

You see, my life has gone to shit ever since I started watching True Blood.  This weekend was supposed to be productive at both work and home, due to being gone 3 days last weekend in West Palm Beach and being gone 3 days this upcoming week in Raleigh for a work conference. But the True Blood. . .I cannot stop watching.

Now I'm all out of episodes, when I thought there were 14, not 12, and at a loss for what to do.  I'm an addict without a fix. If only Lafayette lived around here, I bet he could hook a sister up.

Things I have neglected while "using":
* Masala
* A stack of files almost 2 feet high at work
* Gym
* Dirty kitchen
* Grocery shopping
* Laundry, laundry, laundry
* Sweeping
* Bathing
* Sleeping
* Football
* Friends


pen said...

I was all excited, thinking you were addicted to the show "v." Because I haven't watched it yet. Might I recommend Big Love? Or Flight of the Conchords? Either of these seem worthy ways to fill the void.

Red said...

I laughed out loud about your sweatshirt comment. I have a visual of its glory, but I think I need an actual picture please. Please, please.