Friday, October 21, 2005

a cnn shoutout

i'm not sure if it's just a crazy news day or i'm feeling particularly procrastinatory, but i just can't resist commentating on the cnn headlines of the day.
  • first of all, wtf? prince william joining the army?! i understand that harry wanted to go, because really what else can second-in-line do, but the future king "wants to fight for [his] country?" that's very noble of him, but does he realize that it's not really necessary? i mean, he can go fight on behalf of his country to help some other guys or to help his country secure oil rights, but i'm not really seeing any kind of frontline out there for the UK. seems like he could do more fighting for his country by staying home, using his brains and diplomacy for the better good, not guns and war. or, you know, he is royalty - he can just faff about doing whatever the hell he wants. i suppose it must get really boring being royal, so you've got to go to the extremes to get your kicks.
  • this story about the senator who won over $800,000 in powerball really makes me sick. apparently his wife is remodeling and already has plans for the money. dude, he's already a millionaire. a millionaire. presumably they had the money for the remodeling beforehand. instead of doing the cool thing and donating it some worthy charity - i hear there are some hurricane and earthquake victims who'd like to do a little remodeling, too - that fucker is just going to spend it on more crap. i shouldn't expect less from a republican i suppose.
  • have you guys been following at all the story about the courtv analyst whose wife was murdered? i personally find it interesting because he's a defense attorney and now it must be horribly disturbing in all kinds of ways to find yourself on the other side in such a tragic circumstance. the good news is that it doesn't look like a former client killed her. the bad news is that yet again, we're going to pin the blame on the goth kid. as if being in high school wasn't bad enough now all those kids who already feel alienated by shitty high school life are yet again ostracized for wearing black and trenchcoats. yeah, those kids are kind of weird and they choose that image, but for the most part they are just like the rest of us, trying to figure life out and be an individual in our crazy society. i guess i'm just frustrated because the story reads an awful lot like the story of the west memphis three, and those kids were convicted purely on goth attire and being non-mainstream. there's really no point here, but just rent paradise lost if you have a chance, and you, too, will be infuriated.
  • and isn't this the happiest booking photo you've ever seen? hee.

i'd love to do more, but i've got class in about an hour and i still need to do the reading. oops.

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