Monday, October 31, 2005


last week jeff sent me an email saying, "have you seen this?" it's instead of seems that he forgot the second "i" when typing in the address and ended up going to another nik's notes. i feared this would happen, there would be confusion and people wouldn't get the address right since i don't call it niki's notes, but that's the address. it never dawned on me to see what the person who already had the address i wanted had done with the place. go ahead. take a look (click above). i'll wait.

where do i even begin? first of all, i think it's a bit creepy that it's the same template that i use because blogger has like 20+ different choices. but that's not really the most important thing.

do you guys think she and rich worked it all out? wonder what kim and ed had to say about it all? hee. i'm only sad that she stopped blogging and we'll never know. i love that she's all thinking that rich won't "let" her love him, that he really wants to but is too afraid. yeah. that or either he's just using you for sex.

wow. i just really don't know what to say about it all. i know it's kind of mean, but it's all just too hilarious and cliche and reality-tv-esque for words. please come back and tell us what happens next so we can make fun of you some more!! (am totally going to hell. at least it's halloween, though, and maybe they'll be a party.)


Anonymous said...

i accidentally went to this site the second time i was trying to get to your blog. and i thought, since when would niki write something like 'my journey in love' and who is rich?' it took me a second to realize my mistake. you might want to consider writing more things like 'my journey in love.' for ideas, consult any nicholas sparks book.

Anonymous said...

I want to know what Rich did to her that she hasn't written since May! Surely, she's has love in her life since then. .she's got so much to give afterall.

Niki said...

that's may 2004!! has she been pouting since then? my theory is rich found out about this blog nonsense she was writing and put the smack down. i think we might all agree that if rich told her to do something in exchange for true love, she'd do it.