Tuesday, December 20, 2005

there is no end

i know some of you may have been concerned - not so much bitching and whining going on here as there used to be. have no fear. i'm back with a vengeance - i'm pissed, tired, and have few brain cells to form coherent thoughts - but damn it, i'm going to cuss those fucking republicans out anyway, sons of bitches.

so many things to pick on at the moment - admissions of going to war on false intelligence, illegal wire tapping, and the patriot act. but none of those is my soapbox; none of them has me riled up at an hour where i should be trying to calm my test-anxiety ridden nerves by sleep or studying. i'm pissed about the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge and i feel helpless to stop it, helpless to vent to my rage against the machine.

in the wee hours of monday morning the house passed a defense budget bill, which in and of itself is just business as usual. the catch - attached to that bill was a provision allowing drilling in ANWR PLUS Katrina relief money. you've got to hand it to the oil company lobbyists soul suckers - they know how to put politicians in a tough spot. because no damn politician has the balls to stand up for what they believe in, only for re-election; those that oppose drilling in ANWR can't vote against it because imagine the ad campaigns against them at the next election: "Sen. X voted against Katrina relief efforts." or "Sen Y tried to abandon our troops during wartime by voting against defense funds." fucking cocksuckers.

all they give a damn about is their oil, their precious SUVs, more more more money in their overflowing pockets. this presidency is nothing but a bitch to the oil gods - war for oil, oil against terrorism, destruction of national treasures and the environment of our world for oil (oh, and national security to decrease our foreign dependence on oil...for about 6-12 months), and probably the oil companies have some hidden agenda that prevents them from wanting gay marriage.

what the hell is wrong with america? why do we continue to blindly follow such shitty, awful leadership and repeatedly elect such incompentent nimrods? wake up america. get with the fucking program and find something to care about besides the growth of your bank account and your selfish material desires.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you see the John Stewart (he's so dreamy!) rant on the Ted Stevens tagging on ANWAR? There may be a clip on Comedy Central - I don't remember when the episode was from - but he plugged it as Stevens being an arse and preventing money from going to the troops because of his inane tactics of tagging ANWR onto the bill and clogging things up. They actually played that clip on the Today show on NBC this morning which really surprised me.

Can I rant about something? The whole intelligent design political debate that has been getting so much attention, and I haven't once heard a decent explanation on the news over the past couple of days, but it's not a scientific theory for one simple reason - a scientific "theory", by definition, has to be an idea which can be tested with hypotheses to either refute or support the theory. You can't experimentally test an idea of an act of God, thereby not making it a "theory". It's that simple. It doesn't fit the scientific definition of a theory, and thereby should not be submitted as a "theory" in a science class... Evolution isn't just where humans came from, but why there is antibiotic resistance, and why orchids are so complex and beautiful - each of which can be tested, therefore conform to a theory. Ugh!