Friday, January 27, 2006

fine, then.

since i've checked cnn and google news a dozen times, read all the blogs i know of and enjoy, and clicked on my "inbox" a number of times that defies OCD terminology, i will simply write my own damn fun.

today i have basically done nothing, and thank you blogger, now i can continue to do nothing for just a little while longer. i suppose i should be clear. in my world, doing "nothing" means i have done every single thing imaginable (almost) except for homework. see, i was supposed to spend most of the day visiting a clinic client, but that didn't work out, so i sort of felt like i had a "free" day in which to dick around (when in my heart i knew i should take advantage of the time to study for an exam).

thus far i have accomplished the following:
* two loads of laundry - ok, don't call me james frey, it was technically 1.25 - one actual load of washing, drying, and folding, and one "fluff" and fold of a load that was dry like two days ago. and yes, both were towels and were easy, but hey, don't mock my accomplishments please.
* the dishes

breaking news: i must interrupt this useless list to go on a tirade. when i visited cnn to try to find a link to the news story for james frey i saw this headline: "Poison Justice Stevens, Coulter Jokes." this pisses me off on so many levels.

1st. J. Stevens is my favorite justice. Yes, I know this is a bit nerdy, but I'm a law student, so allow me this indulgence. I don't care if she is trying to be funny, it's not cool to make dead jokes about an old man. And really, what if someone joked that she should be dead. You're right, that wouldn't be funny either, it'd be a fucking brilliant idea - let's get someone on that.

2nd. As alluded to in number 1, I am SO not a fan of Ms. Coulter. She is a moron who believes she is intelligent and a person without a heart. I would love to take her down in a wrestling match or boxing ring because everything she says just makes me want to slap some sense into her.

3rd (and most importantly). If anybody on the Supreme Court needs to be poisoned, it's Clarence "sexual harassment" Thomas. Seriously, ya'll, this guy needs to be impeached. When I went to watch arguments in front of the Supreme Court he fell asleep. FELL ASLEEP. He also did not participate in questioning the attorneys. Others who have seen him tell me this is par for the course. In most of the opinions I've read from the Court during his membership, he just attaches his name to Scalia's opinion, or occasionally tacks on an assanine two or three paragraphs of his own. I cannot recall a single majority opinion he has ever written, but I suppose I may have read one or two, tops. He probably never writes any, or if so, they suck and no one cares. Let me put this another way - if you or I performed at our jobs the way he performs, we would be fired, no question. On top of his lack of performance, he has super-conservative views that will only serve to make the rich richer, the poor poorer, and the environment non-existent. Hate does not even begin...

Back to regularly scheduled programming:
* ate almost every chip in the house, although there are some crumbs of pita chips and veggie chips left
* watched Starting Over - shut up. I don't care.
* watched Real World: Gauntlet II - wow. Beth. wow.
* loaded dishes into dishwasher - crap, I already said that.
* ate lunch with Jeff
* called potential future employer re: meeting next week
* opened a document and typed "Outline" at the top and saved it under "outline" in the folder for the class for which I have an exam due next Monday.

all in all, it appears I'm being hard on myself. I've not done "nothing," today; in fact, I've done quite a bit of somethings. I think I deserve a break. Felicity is on at 5...


Ben said...

hey niki, this may help your productivity.
If your still looking for a background picture, you may want this; it looks like to pandas going at it...;_ylt=Am9YOc8rJGjrQDYPlKdRQ0hPtbAF;_ylu=X3oDMTBia2Jza2VjBHNlYwNnYWxsZXJ5

Ben said...

sorry, the link didn't fit..;

Ben said...

wait wait, i can do this, just give me time...

Ben said...

for fuck's sake i give up; it's on yahoo most popular animals and it's no way good enough to warrant these comments...sorry.