Saturday, April 29, 2006

Is it me or them?

Let's try this 8 1/2 min thing again (not to be confused with Fellini's 8 1/2 movie, which i hate).

In my super-procrastinatory state, I've been browsing many, many more blogs than I have before. I don't know if they are that good or if I'm just getting lucky or if I'm just bored out of my mind and anything besides the Constitution is entertaining.

At any rate, there have been three blogs in particular that I've really liked, and all of them are written by women roughly within my age range (ok, so some are in their early 20s, but dammit, I ain't 30 yet!). So I'm reading their stuff, it's making me laugh and I'm feeling like these girls are like me, like if we met we'd be good friends. One girl is obsessed with celebrities and seems intelligent but can't stop blogging about them. Another loves Harry Potter, is from Georgia, and loves cookies. Another girl, well her middle name is nicole and she got excited about learning how to load a gun in a parking lot, which, let's be honest would be fucking cool.

Then I read their "favorite books." And the fun ends. One girl is obsessed with Jane Austen - I couldn't even finish the Cliff's Notes (of course, I do have friends that love Jane Austen, so this wasn't so bad). Then another girl liked Le Petit Prince - at first I thought she was like me because she'd heard of it, but then I remembered how I loathed that book and participated in hiding it from my French instructor to prevent reading it. I always thought mouton = pig, not sheep, and my classmates always had to remind. Every. Single. Time. Hate. But again, I could forgive this transgression.

The kicker was this: The Good Earth. Yes. You read that right. The Good Earth, by Pearl Buck. With Olan, Lotus Flower, and Wang Chung or whatever. That awful, terrible, boring book we had to read in 9th grade. Am wondering whether I can still read her blog. I don't know anyone who likes that book. Seriously. Besides Ms. Blomquist. And she wore purple jogging suits to class and loved Mel Gibson and cut up a fake plastic spider I put on her chair as a joke. Don't want to read her blog.

Time's up. Maybe later I'll come back and put the links so you can see for yourselves. Back to the Constitution for me.

And then I get to their favorite books.


Anonymous said...

Aghh! The Good Earth?? I HATED The Good Earth. I hated Pearl S. Buckl. And Olan delivering her baby via reed and then returning to the fields. And scary Wang Lung and his penchant for little girls late in the book. On top of just having to read the book, it was for Mrs. Blomquist's class. Justin used to call her Grimace because of that jogging suit.

In regards to Jane Austen, I think many girls just like Pride & Prejudice...which I mostly like because of Colin Firth. Yummy.

Ruby said...

Next you're going to tell me she likes The Metamorphosis and As I Lay Dying. Yuck.

Shame on you for making me remember Stacey and her bad teeth and her absolute salivation over MG. Yuck, yuck.

Ruby said...

I just saw that you have The Metamorphosis on your list! Don't I feel silly?!

Maybe that book is why I have a horrible fear of roaches...

Niki said...

Do not feel silly, Megan - I think I like that book for all the wrong reasons. The "existential" theme of the book is pretty much over my head; I just like it because I think it's really funny (and probably this is inappropriate laughter on my part). I should probably get psychiatric help because the image of a giant bug with an apple stuck in its back is funny to me - I don't know why, it just is.

Anonymous said...

Clearly it is finals time and I am also procrastinating. . . I remember to check your blog about once every two months (and then never leave a comment), but now that finals are here, it suddenly comes to me very easily that you have a blog and that I should leave a comment.

Good luck finishing up everything. While I am (joyously) looking forward to graduation, I must say that these last few days are killing me. It's like the hours drag on and on and I can't seem to care and I just keep wondering when is this damn thing finally going to be over?

I have to agree that a) The Good Earth SUCKED and b) The Metamorphosis was one of the most painful reads of my life. I twitch just thinking about it (and then I think about twitching roach legs and I twitch even more--ugh!).

On a happier (and less disgusting) note, I agree that Colin Firth is indeed very yummy.