Tuesday, May 09, 2006

True or False?

In the spirit of exams, here's a little pop quiz; please answer true or false:

1. Jake Gyllenhaal is dating Gretchen Bleiler, a US Olympic Snowboarder. (If true, I give him props for picking a non-Hollywood type girl, but for some reason I've been holding out hope he and Kirsten are back together. I know lots of people don't like her, but I do. At least she's somewhat of a legitimate actress (Hilary, Lindsay, Jessica(s), etc. take note).)

2. Tori Spelling is pregnant. (If true, this makes mandatory IQ prerequistes before giving birth look a little more attractive...)

3. I've written 20/25 pages. (lol)


Anonymous said...

I don't do well with True/False, but I just wanted to give you props for being ahead of PITNB and posting this fact (and same picture/quotes/source) a day ahead! I think that might be scary, but I'll reserve comment on that fact. :)

Niki said...

Niki is the new Trent?

Anonymous said...

Preach, Niki, preach.