Friday, July 14, 2006

Damn Yanks

I have just learned that in the north they call sprinkles - yes, the sprinkles one might put on a cupcake or cookie - "Little Jimmies."

Does this flabbergast everyone else like it flabbergasts me? I don't know what to think of this.


Ruby said...

I have never heard of such.

Could it maybe be 'gemmies' as in gem stones?!

That kind of shit doesn't happen in Kansas, I can tell you that!

Niki said...

AH! Maybe it is "gemmies." I'll ask the perpetrator of this to find out if he knows the spelling. (He is actually from Connecticut - I think in VA it's still "sprinkles.")

Webmaster said...

As a bona fide Northerner (though not, I'm told, a "Yankee"), let me assure you that I've never heard anything as asinine as "little jimmies" - at least with respect to sprinkles - in my life.

Anonymous said...

in england they're called "hundreds and thousands". to prevent further confusion, i suggest this be the standard name replacing "sprinkles", and "little jimmies/gemmies". jimmie being rhyming slang for a piss (jimmy riddle, a piddle).

if you don't like it, you know what the second amendment was made for...

Anonymous said...

I'm from Massachusetts -- indeed they are called "jimmies" if you get them on a sundae from Friendly's, but at other stores, they're still "sprinkles." Also, if I remember correctly, only the chocolate ones are referred to as "jimmies," while the colorful ones are "sprinkles."

Andria said...

baffling. Who knew there were so many different references (and so technical, too) to such a useless creation? Thanks for enlightening us once again.