Thursday, July 27, 2006

Notable Events Since Returning Home

* Went to the dentist this morning. Almost ran out while waiting in the waiting room because the anticipation and anxiety was too much. Luckily, no cavities. At first my mouth tasted nice; then they made me do x-rays and now it tastes like a rubber band smells. Also, dentist made creepy joke about telling that girls are kissing because that's when they get cavities, but that was clearly not the case with me. Yeah. Not my regular dentist, folks.

* Got in argument with tatooed, pseudo-punkrock man who was drinking grapefruit juice about a parking spot in front of his house, yet on a public street. Argument ended with me moving my car, but storming away calling him a "fucking cunt." I was in a *good* mood yesterday - he picked the wrong blonde midget to mess with. (Yes, he did call me a blonde midget. Ok, not exactly, but he said he was in love with my blondness and my "midgetness." Fucker. Still thinking of better things to say to him.... I digress)

* Almost got run off the interstate by a white van with plywood on one of it's windows. On the other side of me was a transfer truck. Was very scary indeed. Felt nauseous/nauseated (youpick one) for a long while afterward.

* Convinced my mother to eat Indian food at my favorite Indian place on the night I arrived. Was heavenly.

* Lance Bass came out of the closet. Duh.

* Discovered missing paperwork in financial aid office and delay of student loans (awesome.)

This is all I can think of for now. I've spent over an hour at the public library doing apartment searching and blog reading - things I can't do at home w/dial up. Word on the street is that I'm going to see some blog regulars tonight and I'm super excited. Have no idea what to do with my day until then...seems too early to pack. Maybe will read Lonely Planet: Australia to get me pumped for my trip.

Speaking of plane ride, if anyone has any suggestions about ways to pass the time other than reading, sudoku, music, or crappy plane movie, please let me know. Eating doesn't count (goes too quickly).


Anonymous said...

I highly recommend books on tape. It's kind of expensive, but the Harry Potter audio books are phenomenal. Don't know how long you're at home for, but you might be able to get a used copy off eBay. I listen to them a lot in the car when I'm driving home. Helps pass the time.

Parm said...

there will be a time when everyone on the plane is asleep, or trying to sleep. as your attorney, i advise you to make no such foolish attempt. all that happens is you grow frustrated because you can't get comfortable, irritated because the snorers keep waking you up, and stark raving mad from the intolerable dryness you will be contending with constantly. if you want to sleep, buy some pills and down them with a complementary glass of wine. seriously.

other tips: your best bet is to consume as much water as possible (i know, difficult for you, right?). this will, of course, mean you will be getting up from your seat to use the restroom a lot, thus killing time, stretching your legs, and combating the barren deserts that will be your mouth and nose all at once.

don't be afraid to stare at people. you can learn a lot about someone by spending 16 hours on a plane with them. write it all down and imagine what they would be like on the 'lost' island. make some sketches if you like.

be wary of time-checking. it's best to divide the trip into manageable chapters, with each successive two or three hour segment offering its own unique entertainment and rewards (e.g. act 1: sudoku, act 2: magazine, act 3: book on tape, etc...)

finally, make sure you're aware when you cross the international date line. it's as close to time travel as you may ever get, so imagine doc brown sitting beside you as you blast your way into the future...