Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Q: What's your favorite scandalous memory? (Red)

A: Sorry, Red. I think you might be a little disappointed in this. Scandal, absolutely. The type of scandal you were going for...eh, maybe not.

It's college. We are seniors. It is very near the end of the year. My friend (who shall remain nameless to protect her identity) and I wake up in the morning/afternoon after an intense night of boozing. There are boys there. My friend has hooked up with a semi-random type dude. (I *may* have done the same.)

Me, friend, and boys are chatting it up in my friend's room; we are deciding what to do about eating breakfast/lunch and laughing over the hijinks from the night before.

A car pulls up. My friend peeks out of her blinds and says a few choice words. It's her semi-ex-boyfriend. (I can't remember - either they had just broken up like within that week or broke up like the day after this event. )

She corrals the boys into the hall bathroom mere moments before boyfriend knocks on the door. I remember one boy hurdling a couch or a chair or something and almost busting his ass.

I sit on the couch and nervously make small talk, praying semi-ex-BF doesn't have the sudden urge to pee. I don't remember how long he stays, but trust me. It feels like FOR.EV.ER. Once he finally leaves the premises, we let the boys escape from the bathroom and lay on the floor in fits of laughter at the absurdity and hilariousness of it all. Then we go to Zim's and chow down on some breakfast buffet and discuss the merits of drinking immediately in order to cure our hangover- and laughter-induced headaches.

Yes, we are terrible people, but trust me - this was straight out of a movie and pulled off to perfection.

1 comment:

Red said...

Nice. I like it. I'm so very thankful not to read one of our many stories. Seriously.