Sunday, May 25, 2008

Notes from the Underbelly

Hey guys, long time no see.

I've been in a funk, plus I went out of town for a week. Funk + out of town = not so much blogging.

Thanks to those of you who have written me to see if everything is going ok - I'll come out of this on top, but it just might take awhile.

For now, I'm going to work on answering your questions at the very least. If I'm inspired to write more, I will, but honestly I just don't know.

Thanks for your patience and when I do finally get back into the swing of things, I'm sure to be better than ever (well, at least better than the past 30 days).

UPDATE: I'm working on these questions, and this is some of the most fun I've ever had blogging. Thanks so much for those of you who participated. Some seem to be more time-sensitive than others, so I'm doing my best to get to those first and still get a mix of topics.


jenn said...

Glad you are back!

Hope your funk passes soon. I'll be thinking of you.

Andria said...

definitely. .hasn't been the same without you. How can you deny me at least weekly Niki humor? Snap out of it, woman!

(seriously, was concerned and hope you are ok and think you should totally Blog it out and let us in on your funk. . .we want to be a part of it all - the good, the bad and the funk.)