Sunday, August 10, 2008

Go for the Gold!

As you may remember, tonight is the night. I'm going to see my Conor in concert.

I have been more than a little bummed because, for various valid reasons, my original group of four companions has dwindled down to one: Me.

I've made some last-minute phone calls, but the reality of the situation is that A) it's a Sunday night, B) it's more than an hour's drive away, and C) not too many people in this little town have heard of Conor, much less willing to stay up super late on work-night and shell out $25 in this economy to see him in person.

And well, we know that not going is simply out of the question.

So, my faithful readers, I have formulated a plan. Since I'm going to there alone, may as well try to sleep with him. Yep. You read that right. The timing is perfect. No boyfriend wondering where I've wandered off to, no friends rubbing their eyes desperate to get back home - just me, slutting it up trying to get as close as I can to the famous person I most adore.

Of course the chances of this actually happening are basically zero, but what the hell? For the sake of blogdom, why not give it a shot? See how far I can get.

Check back next week for a full report, although let's be honest, we know I'm not one to kiss and tell ; )

(Wish me luck! And keep your fingers crossed that I don't get mugged walking back to my car in the parking deck!)

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