Monday, August 11, 2008

Olympics: Day 4-2

Speaking of Olympian bodies (May and Walsh, e.g.):

* Michael Phelps is totally hot. . .from the neck down.

* I feel really badly for the female swimmers because they get these broad shoulders that make them look like linebackers. Take Leisel Jones, Australian swimmer extraordinaire - I've seen a few non-swimming photos of her, and she's a cute girl, but in the water - TOTALLY looks like a man. Just like a man.

* What's up with USA men's gymnastics team and hair product? Not one of them is without it! (Even the shaven head ones, I'm sure they put something in there.) Don't get me wrong, I understand the importance of hair product, but pommel horse doesn't seem like the most important place to gel up.


jenn said...

Dan and I were talking about the unfortunate physique of female swimmers last night. They have no necks!

Ruby said...

Yeah, those swimmers have got some hot bods! And we commented too about the women and their disproportionate looking upper bodies. It's those damn suits, I tell you... they angle in too sharp!

tempe & chris said...

agreed on Phelps - that boy has the best body, pretty much ever. But yeah...from the neck down :)

ashley said...

I have to disagree. I mean, yes, Phelps is totally hot from the neck down, but I also find him so charming cute! I think he's adorable - even if Kim told me he looks like Andre the Giant.

And Niki, I'm with you on the hair product. Who knew you had to have Dep to do the parallel bars?