Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Yoga Pose of the Week: Padahastasana

Padahastasana, or Hand to Foot Pose

This is my favorite variation on a forward fold. Forward folds in general have a calming, re-focusing effect on the body and are great to do right after last week's YPW - Handstand. I like this version for a few reasons. 1) It gives me a nice stretch on my shoulders while also stretching the hamstrings and low back. 2) It's fun to say! (Pronounced - PAH-duh-ha-STAH-san-uh, Pada = foot, hasta = hand, thus hand to foot pose)

Here's a video which demonstrates the proper alignment and steps to the pose. It's pretty simple.

Some thoughts from my own practice:

* Keep your low back straight. If you cannot come all the way to the floor with straight legs, just bend your legs. You will increase your flexibility more and better by being mindful of your body rather than rushing just to the floor.

* Don't let your shoulders get scrunched into your ears. Envision them sliding down your back to get the best benefit from this pose.

* This pose has a slight balancing aspect. It's good to try to put more weight on the hands than the heels, which can be a little scary. I *may* have almost fallen over trying to do this, so be careful! But don't worry, as one of my yoga teachers used to say, you have a roll bar if you do fall. :)

* Check out these couple of pages for the numerous benefits of this posture, which include increasing blood flow to the head, alleviation of bloating or constipation, toning of the abdominal muscles, and increasing spinal flexibility.


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